Monday, February 28, 2011

The Giant Gila Monster

If you were around in the 1950s, you no doubt remember Hollywood being overtaken by a rash of "B" movies featuring overgrown creatures of some sort menacing the local town folk; ants, spiders, praying mantises, grasshoppers, leeches and the like. Pretty corny by today's sophisticated standards, but lots of fun to look back on. Makes you wonder how the actors kept a straight face while delivering their lines. Maybe they really did believe?

BTW, the Gila Monster is the only poisonous lizard native to the United States.

Here's a link to a great trailer from the cult classic, "The Giant Gila Monster."

University of Georgia vs. Georgia Tech

Here are a couple of favorites from my "beer can" collection. Technically speaking, these are not actually beer cans; they are souvenir cans marketed as a promotion for the ongoing Bulldogs and Yellow Jackets college rivalry. Even so, they still look great on the shelf with the real thing.

Here's a link to a very cool site with information about some of the wackier college mascots, including Keggy the Keg, Sammy the Slug and Scrotie.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Nuts and Butts?

Maybe he's for chips and dip? In any case, you may someday run across one of these odd bottle cap creations. If you do, please make sure you give him or her a good home, or find someone who will. This cute guy is now known as "Johnny." I sent him to Philip Lamb to be reunited with his extended family.  Click the attached link to see all of Johnny's brothers, sisters and cousins.
Willard Scott was the first Ronald McDonald.
On New Year's Day, 1802, the congregation of minister John Leland's Cheshire, Massachusetts Baptist church presented President Thomas Jefferson the gift of a giant 1235-pound cheese measuring 4 feet in diameter and 15 inches thick.